Tuesday, June 17, 2008
"When you believe things you don't understand...
you suffer... very superstitious..."

I'm not superstitious, I am simply just... "stitious." I believe that there are those few people out there with the power to read your mind, or psychically connect to future. But I most positively do NOT believe in those silly, childish bulletins people post on Myspace. I'm talking about the ones that say "OMFG U R SO TOTALLY NOT GUNA BLEAVE WHT THIS DOES ITZZ LYKK FUCKIN CRAZY CHINESE HOROSCOPE OMG U HAVE 2 TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!"

To me, that's complete bullshit. So, what led me to open one earlier tonight is beyond me. Usually, those are the things that make me close the window and back away from the computer. But this stuck to me. I opened it, and embarassingly enough - completed the questions. Mind you, before answering some of the questions - I second guessed. Instead of filling in "Lollipop" for number eleven I opted for "Brand New." For eight, I decided on "Bye, Bye" instead of "Viva la Vida." That's maybe what scares me the most.

Next to numbers 1 & 2 write down any two numbers you want.
1. 4
2. 211
Next to 3 & 7, write down 2 members of the opposite sex.
3. Anthony
7. Jack
Next to 4, 5, & 6 - write down any 3 people's names.
4. Mom
5. My nephew, Michael
6. My cousin, Isabella
For 8, 9, 10, & 11, write down 4 song titles.
8. Bye, Bye
9. Leavin'
10. Get Silly
11. Brand New

#2 is the number of people that like you.
#3 is the person you love.
#7 is the person you like but your relationship cannot work.
#4 is the person you care most about.
#5 is a person who knows you very well.
#6 is your lucky star.
#8 song title matches with the person in #3.
#9 song title is for the person in #7.
#10 song title tells you most about your mind.
#11 song title tells you how you feel about life.

You don't know me, and we both know that. But from what you do know, tell me that isn't the strangest thing that could ever happen? Everything I've been feeling, the mixed conceptions with boys, my family life, the problems I've been having with addiction, and so on... I feel like it's been answered..? Don't worry though I don't plan on letting this sill bulletin get to my mind. It's not going to stop me from doing anyhting, but it will, if anything confuse me more.

Once again, fuck my life.

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posted by Desireé at 10:43 PM |